TGA Adopts New Sunscreen Standard

The TGA will soon adopt the 2021 Sunscreen Standard (Australian/New Zealand Standard (AS/NZS) 2604:2021)) into therapeutic goods legislation.

Starting from 1 July 2024, all new sunscreen products included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) must comply with the 2021 Sunscreen Standard.

Existing products will have a transition period before these requirements apply:

  • Existing aerosols and spray pump packs included in the ARTG prior to 1 July 2024 will have 1 year to comply with the new labelling requirements.
  • All existing sunscreens products will have 5 years to comply with the new testing requirements. During this time, sunscreens can comply with existing requirements or the new requirements.

You can read more about the new requirements here.

Our regulatory affairs team is well-equipped to help you understand the new requirements and ensure that your testing and labels are brought into compliance. Contact us to get support in completing this transition so that you are not caught out at the end of the transition period.

Click here to get in touch.